University Centre Newbury and The Henley College have partnered together to provide fully funded courses on robotics. These innovative, practical and fully-funded courses teach delegates how to set up and program industrial robots on a range of operating systems, as well as how to maintain and look after industrial robot cells to help minimise wear and reduce downtime.

Windsor Forest College Group are forming a Green Skills Academy delivering courses in the areas of Green Skills Construction, Electric Vehicle Maintenance and Agricultural Technology to help businesses grow and keep apace of the technological changes and sustainable practices being introduced to help reduce carbon emissions. They were chosen to deliver a range of courses that focus on sustainable technology and practices to improve and upskill people in key sectors across Berkshire.

In 2021 DWP published the result of the Health is Everyone’s Business consultation. Employers told us they found the amount of information to help them manage employee health and disability was too vast; too fragmented and not navigable.
As a result we have created the SEHD tool on gov.uk. This has been developed with trusted information from across Government and in partnership with Arms Length Bodies (such as the Health and Safety Executive) to improve support for employers on health and disability at work.